Creating Sankalpas

A Sankalpa is a statement outlining an intention you have for yourself, such as, “I feel peaceful and energized today”. Or it might be more specific and relate to a particular goal you wish to achieve. Whatever it is, the key is to repeat it often, and when doing so really feel gratitude for the sankalpa coming to fruition. You have to believe that it will occur for you which opens your energy up to receive it.

Sankalpas are age old yogic practices which are based on the knowledge that our thoughts and emotions are really what drive our experiences in life. “As you think, so you become” is from the scriptures of yoga called the Vedas.

Our minds are very powerful tools and the practice of consciously directing the mind with sankalpas is being the architect of your life, rather than your mind taking charge, which we know results in a never-ending roller coaster ride!


BE POSITIVE. It is important that the wording of your Sankalpa takes a positive tone, “I am calm and relaxed” rather than “I will not experience anxiety today”.

BELIEVE. You need to believe and feel positive about what you project. You need to actually feel you have already achieved your Sankalpa. How it will come about is not your concern.

BE RELALISTIC about your Sankalpa so you can believe it will manifest; don’t aim too high. Yet, don’t limit yourself; the goal should be inspirational.

BE CONSISTENT. It is not enough to project one positive thought and return to being negative. You must keep projecting until you experience the results, and then keep projecting more positive sankalpas.

VISUALISE your Sankalpa; don’t just think positive, you must feel positive. As Albert Einstein said: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

ASK yourself, “Is the life I have created thus far worthy of my true potential?” If not, go back at step 1.

Bronwyn Weetman