Class types

Flow + Yin

A balanced class of both Yin and Flow. Flow/Yin energizes the body and mind, hoping to leave you feeling a sense of strength, length and relaxed all over by the end of the class.

Hatha Yoga

Our Hatha class integrates breath, body, and mind. The class has a relaxed pace, that fuses breath work, balance, and stability. many styles may be incorporated in each class. In our Hatha class we explore the bodies range of motion with standing postures, twists, backbends, inversions and hip openers.


A guided meditation class in a safe and beautiful space. A chance to stop and quieten the mind where we focus on the breath, sounds, stillness and being mindful. Each session will be different.


This class will target the body's connective tissue. Yin yoga is a slower paced class with longer holds in poses doing wonders for your joints, flexibility, circulation and mental focus. For all levels of fitness (not suitable for those that are pregnant)